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By Bobbie Whiteman For Dailymail. On Friday, the year-old rapper reposted a selfie taken by actress-comedian Tiffany Haddish, 39, alongside the year-old daytime TV host on Instagram and he dissed Wendy in the caption. The selfie that started the rant: 50 Cent threw serious shade on Wendy Williams when he reported this snap of the talk show host with actress-comedian Tiffany Haddish on Friday.
Then he went on to comment on the snap after some fans supported her, saying, mockingly: 'Aww leave her alone 50 her husband left her and she a crack head. Wendy did eventually make it in with her son, Kevin Hunter Jr. And she posted a snap of them with Snoop Dogg, captioned: 'Nothing like Uncle snoopdogg on your 19th birthday!! You know why? It would be me bullying a woman. A source told the site: '50 Cent has felt incredibly disrespected by Wendy Williams for years, so he has zero plans of ever stopping from making fun of her on social media.
He feels Wendy has come at him for years and years. He posted a countdown clock and joked about throwing a 'child support release party' and Wendy didn't see the funny side. But she got in and hung out with Snoop Dogg to celebrate her son Kevin's 19th birthday sharing this snap on Instagram.
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